Aspire International School

CBSE Affiliation No. 1131362

CBSE Affiliation No. 1131362 | Call at +91-9130055772 / 9130055511 | School Address: Survey No 56/3, 56/4 Khasarmari, off Wardha Road, Nagpur – 441108 | Admissions open for Class Nursery to Class 10 for 2025-2026 batch   ⦿   We are proud to announce that we are now CBSE-affiliated! CBSE Affiliation Number 1131362

Video Gallery

Experience @ Aspire by Prof. Amol Shah

Prof. Shah is sharing his views about the productive eco-system of Aspire International School which relentlessly works on developing self motivated and self learning students.

Parent's Experience @ Aspire by Mr. Santosh Kumar

Mr. Santosh Kumar is sharing his insight about Aspire International School from the perspective of a parent.

Parent's Experience @ Aspire by Mr. Akash Kumar

Mr. Kumar is sharing his insight about Aspire International School from the perspective of a parent.

Parent's Experience @ Aspire by Mr. Ashish Dalwankar

One of our Happy Parent Mr. Ashish Dalwankar is sharing his experience as a parent.

Experience @ Aspire by Mrs. Vijeta Dalwankar

Our Teacher Mrs. Dalwankar is sharing her experience as a teacher in Aspire International School.

Experience @ Aspire by Mrs. Girija. V. Uttarwar

Our Pre-Primary Teacher Mrs. Uttarwar is sharing her experience as a teacher in Aspire International School.

Experience @ Aspire by Mrs. Priya Venkatraman

Our English Teacher Mrs. Venkatraman is explaining her insightful experience in Aspire International School.

Experience @ Aspire by Mrs. Manmeet Bhange

Our Science Teacher Mrs. Bhange is sharing her insightful experience in Aspire International School!

Disaster Management Explained by One of Our Student

Disaster Management is a important thing to handle when situations get out of control due natural disasters or calamities. Here is one of such explanatory video performed by one of our proud

Ashley Francis, an emerging Painter from Aspire

Ashley is sharing her experience on her way to become an excellent painter.

Our Proud Classical Dancers of Aspire

Aspire always supports budding talents to flourish to its optimum, specially in the field of art we have unparalleled talent pool which you are going to see in this video as well as their experiences.

Parent's Experience @ Aspire by Mr. Amit Kelkar

Mr. Kelkar is sharing his insight about Aspire International School from the perspective of a parent.

C elebrated Annual Sports Day- 2023

Aspire International School Tour 2024-25

Motivational Lecture by Ravi Shukla

Yuva: The Seed for a Developed Nation

The New Bharat Channel organised a live programme on the topic “Yuva: The Seed for a Developed Nation” 17 on 1st of November 2022 at 7:30 p.m.