Padmavati Production had organized a splendid event at Vasantrao Deshpande Hall on 25th August 2023. ASPIRE’s Principal Mrs. Rashmi Shendre graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour. Varied competitions were held whereby children walked on ramp, danced and sang. Amongst the crowd of 300 people, could be seen a host of renowned celebrities. It was a proud moment as ASPIRE’s students had the pleasure of a special performance whereby they presented a traditional dance highlighting Indian heritage. The dance received high accolades and a huge round of applause from the audience. The Principal expressed her warm gratitude to Padmavati Production for the privilege. The event was an endeavor of our marketing executive Ms. Ramkumari Karnahke while our dance teacher Ms.Deepika Kathale was instrumental in the wonderful dance performance by the girls of ASPIRE.